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Three Blog My Profession Be a professional dancer is a daily challenge whit yourself and yours capacities. You live in a constant self improvement learning about you and the others, not only about their material bodies, but also about the duality between mind and body. Be a dancer is the perfect balance between what you are and what you feel, is magic and it transport you to amazing place just whit your imaginary; you use all this feelings for transmit an emotion, reach the viewer.  Dance have a lot of benefits both physical of mental, reduces stress and is an excellent exercise,  keeps you in shape and fees your mind. It is a wonderful way to self knowledge and the best of all is what your body is your lab. I chose this career because since i was small always i want to be a dancer,  travel around the world learning different kinds of dances and share my knowledge.  Dance is the expression of the soul for me, and i would like to transmit this feel whit other perso...
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Hello everyone, in my first blog on this semester i will talk about “a country i’d like to visit.” One of the dreams countries that i would like to visit is India; this place is really magic, old and awesome for me beacuse besides having an exquisite culinary art, have a incredible landescapes full of flowers, plants and exotic animal species, here was born one the most important sacred disciplines for me and my family. The Yoga. That is why i would visit India mainly to practice yoga in the place where this discipline was born , and explore the Hatha, Ashtanga, Iyengar and all its branches from the base. After feeling good whit my pratice i would go to complement my life whit a rich and typical Indian food; Kashmiri Aloo Dum its a very recognized vegetarian dish that i would not lose for anything. It would be a dream to be able to travel to study yoga in India, so i could work a lot in my practice and i could share it in the rest of the world whit awareness, i would also make a very ...
Second No Blog The best not hollidays Brasil 2018. Maybe my best vacations were in Rio Grande du Sul, Porto Alegre two summer ago. This summer i went whit my family nucleus to visit two friends of the family. One lives in the city, near the beach, and the other in the countryside. We stayed a full month touring this beautiful and big city. The best memory in this place is definitely that of the jungle; knowing the Atlantic forest was wonderful, lots of extraordinary vegetation, incredible animals and a perfect climate. In this country there can be 30 degrees of heat and rain at the same time, it is amazing. Another great memory is the food; I can say that I would like to eat like that summer all my life. Lots of fruit, fresh vegetables, acai and coconut milk. Brazil is definitely one of the happiest countries in which I have been; by the right date I play the great carnival that they do every year in February, here the whole country is partying, in the street there are a lot ...
Blog 1 This is not my personal information; Hallo everybody my name is maybe Michelle, i think i am almost twenty years old. Supposedly i am a dancer because i study dance in this faculty. Since i dance i have a especial interets for the body, its form, composition and its ability. Maybe i aspire to be a dancer and share visions whit others persons in diferents cultures. I hope travel a lot, eat, smile, love, learn moving and watch to others move enjoy their bodys. Definitely the big achievement was approve the semester. Maybe a country i´d love to visit and stay is France, in wester of europe. I would stay long enough to complete some work or dance course and then continue traveling looking for the same in different countries.
Go Vegan  Hello again; today i will speak about my experience how vegetarian person and the actually transition to the veganism. I am vegetarian since i was thirteen. To the begin my mother decided stopped eat met for a personal reason because of their religious beliefs and my sister and me we were too little and inexperienced to say so we just obeyed. Whit the passage of time both were becoming aware and discovering more about vegetarianism  and also veganism and we realized that my mother had made the best decision. Now my sister and me are vegan, she is activist and i have a more passive way of manifesting my position.                                                              
A Photograph This photo was took to me a weekend in my old hause. Here we can see a baby butterfly that was my partner for one day. This picture was taken two years ago a sunday in the afternoon. I like so much this photo because it reminds me to my old hause at Cajon Del Maipo and this special day; A morning in my bathroom i could see a stranger thing in one of the shells that were of ornament, this thing was moving and after to look at her for a while i discovered that was a cocoon butterfly. I could see a moment of his bird. As she was in my bathroom i decided take the shell and take her to the patio and accompany her until the moment of her flight. I upload this photo beacuse this was a very special moment for me. You don’t see a butterfly’s cocoon break every day.
About my career Hello everyone, today i will speak a little about my career. Actually i study dance at the University of Chile and a interesting (but extensive) topic is the use of body in the differents types of dances and the link between them. For example in the Contemporany dance the body is understood as a sensing subjet captable obtaining information only by listening to its internal signals. The use of the weight in this technique is a very important movement factor because it is a direct way whit the use of the gravity and the floor conection for generate a more organic movement. In the traditional Ballet technique the body is seen how a player body (practically a machine). The use of the weight in Ballet is totally otherwise that the Contemporany; the performers opposite the gravity all the time. They not uses the weight of body, they refuse to. But in my career we tried to link the vision of body in Contemporary dance with the Ballet to connect with our internal signal...